Thursday, May 13, 2010

The main character in my novel is Tessa. Tessa is a sixteen yearold girl who is suffering with Lukemia, understanding that she is going to die, Tessa developes a list of things she wants to do before she dies. The list consists of a number of illegal tasks, which shows that she is a rebel in her own way. She is not afraid of the consequence because they are all things she dreams of doing before she dies. Although Tessa is a rebel I feel that she also has a very sensitive side to her personality. When Tessa finds out Zoey is pregnant she begins to worry more about her rather than herself. Also, she changes her wish of going on a trip, to her mom and dad getting back together which shows that she cares about others.

The main weakness I see in Tessa is that she doesn't think of the consequences her wishes have on her physically due to her illness. She often goes out and does things that weaken her immune system or drain her energy which than lead to her spending more time in the hospital.

Do you think that being diagnosed with Lukemia has influenced her personality? If you we're in her situation, would you due things you knew were wrong anyways?


  1. I believe it may have made her a bit more reckless and desperate to live the last of her days on the edge. If I were in her situation, I would try to spend more of my time with family and friends.

  2. It definietly influenced her personality. If I was in her situation I would do the same things, just in different ways. I would definitely try to spend alot more time with the people that I love.

  3. If i was that sick,i would still do as tessa is and live my life.I would probably not do it to the extreme or her,like jump in a dirty freezing lake,but i would still wanna finish everything on my list.I would rather live my life than stay at home and slowly and painfully die.

  4. Yes I do believe that Tessa being diagnosed with Leukemia has changed her personality. Once you find out that something is going to happen or your going to die, you won't be the same person the new seconds ago before you heard this. And I would try not to do things that were considered "bad", I would want to do things that I have never done before. Whether it was good or bad I would still want to do it.

  5. I think that being diagnosed with Lukemia has influenced her personality because she knows she is dieing. Her personality changed in which she doesn't really care about the consenquces in her life. If I were in her situation, I would do things that were wrong because I would want to live the rest of my life and have fun. Basically make the best of it.

  6. Yes it has changed her personality. When you know that you do not have much time to live I would want to experience everything in the world possible. Just feel what other people feel even if it is illegal. We all know doing illegal things is fun sometimes but many of us never experience it because we know the consequences of doing something like that. When your on your way out of this world you have nothing to lose.
